I hope that everyone enjoyed their summer.
Our combined worship services at Eady and Coldwater went well. And I hope everyone was able to find some time to relax or travel or both.
On Sep.15 My Covenanting Service was held at Wesley United Church in Eady. This was a combined Sunday morning service shared with Coldwater. Many thanks to all those who helped to organize this event.
I am continuing my pastoral presence with Woods Park Retirement Community in Barrie.
And I am also offering "God in the Woods" which is a monthly outdoor gathering in the woods. This is held in Barrie, but I hope, in the near future, to arrange a meeting in the Coldwater/Eady area.
I also continue to serve as a supervisor in the Supervised Ministry Education program. My student is looking forward to ordination this Spring.
And our mid-week Sacred Space time has also started up again. It is held every Wednesday, 11am to noon, alternating between Coldwater and Eady. Our next meeting, October 2nd, will be at Coldwater.
Viki and I will be away the weekend of October 4-6. I will be in Kingston conducting the wedding for a young woman whose parents I married exactly twenty-five years ago. I will have to see how much I have aged when I look at the photos of both services.
As always, if anyone needs to contact me for any reason, here is my contact information: or 705-209-3899.