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Minister's Message for November 2024


Fall Greetings

Ministry continued to take many forms during the month of October.

Our Sacred Space gathering has served as a reflective pause in our busy lives. You are welcome to come join us on a Wednesday morning. In our latest meeting we considered how autumn invites us to be mindful of the passing phases of life. 

I was also away for a few days at the beginning of the month. I returned to Kingston to preside at a wedding for a young woman whom I met twenty-four years ago when she was a flower girl at her mother's wedding. I often tell young people to pay attention because our time passes at the speed of life.

And, in Barrie, I also continue with "God in the Woods". This is a gathering that tends to occur on the last Sunday of the month. We meet outdoors in Sunnidale Park and make meditative use of their wooded paths.

And, in Barrie, I also continue with "God in the Woods". This is a gathering that tends to occur on the last Sunday of the month. We meet outdoors in Sunnidale Park and make meditative use of their wooded paths.

On Monday, October 14, Viki and I took in the Oro Medonte Art Tour. We certainly commend this driving tour to you. On our way home we also marvelled at what was, perhaps, the greatest artwork of all - the autumn colours had peaked. And I understand that God will continue to offer this creativity every year.

Too, I have been serving as a Supervising Minister in the SME program (Supervised Ministry Education). I have been meeting (either by phone or online) with a candidate for ministry every week for this past year. This involvement has been a significant time of growth for both of us. Learning never ends.

I should also mention the Sundays of October:

6th - World Communion Sunday

13th - Thanksgiving Sunday

20th - World Food Sunday

27th - Peace Sunday and Reformation Sunday

And, of course, October 31 was Halloween. Many spirits came to our door.  Every year this reminds me that many spirits also come into our presence in need of more than candy. And, again, may we serve with open hands.


Rev. Dr. Bruce Sweet


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