On this day in April as I look out the window it is raining softly. It is very quiet outside. The bulbs are coming up and there are some flowers beginning to show. The trees are a soft green which hints of the leaves that are coming into life. The grass is turning green each day. It is a soft and gentle time of the year.
Spring is a time of promise, it is a time of renewal and the return of new life to the earth. When we go outside we feel the fresh breeze and hear the songs of the birds who have returned after the long winter.
I am reminded that we must be patient at this time of year. Patient as the buds begin to emerge on the trees, patient as our earth warms and life is renewed. Patient as we begin to plan our gardens for the new season ahead. Nature takes time, it cannot be rushed or hurried.
It is a special time of year. We are given time to reflect upon our responsibility to care for and to nurture our earth. Spring is a hopeful time, it is time for us to think deeply about all of the wonderful gifts our Creator has entrusted us with.
I would like to share this prayer with you.
In a world of shadows, you are the light, in a world of despair ,you are the glimmer of something better. In a world filled with pain, you are the cure. You are the morning sun that chases away the longest night. You are the stars in the sky that appear after the clouds clear out. You are the rainbow that forms after the storm. You are the joy in the sound of every newborns cry. You are the wind that blows the seeds to grow new crops. You are the one we turn to when we can not longer find the joy of this world. You are the one who says “ Follow me, and I will lead you to something better.” You O God, Creator of all, are hope. you are our hope. Amen
Sally Tuffin, St. Paul’s UC. Prescott Ontario
Gathering Pentecost 1 2023
May we know peace during this spring time.
Reverend Kathleen Mowat