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Coldwater Stewards meet on the second Monday of each month (excluding July & August)


The Coldwater United Church Board of Stewards is made up of a chairperson, secretary, treasurer, several directors and usually a member from the United Church Women's Group. They are a hard working group of people whose mandate is to keep the church in pristine condition. But they are also committed to keeping the church financially viable in these uncertain times. This group represents the epitome of faith regarding environmental and efficiency upgrades that keep the facility in top condition. They welcome new members and volunteers who are like-minded and enjoy the fellowship that such a group brings. 

The Wesley/Eady United Church has a similar Board of Stewards, but due to the size of the congregation, this board consists of 11 church members/adherents. Three of the stewards are members of the United Church Women's Group. The stewards are responsible for the condition of the church building/property and assisting in any way that ensures the financial foundation remains solid and stable. Meetings are regularly held under the watchful eye of a chairperson, secretary and treasurer.



The Church Boards can be contacted by speaking to the secretary at the Coldwater Charge office at 705-686-7787.

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